Roseanne Barr used to be subversive – now she embodies the Trump-supporting psyche

Once she used her trenchant wit to champion blue-collar America. Now she has flipped into apparently limitless bigotry

Roseanne Barr’s tweet, in which she compared Valerie Jarrett, a former adviser to Barack Obama, to an ape, was the final straw for ABC, which cancelled her show. The network must have known it was playing with fire when it commissioned the show: present-day Roseanne had mainly shed all the fun bits where she talked to a scandalised audience about shagging John Goodman (wait, what? Married people have sex?), and she was a proud Trump supporter. It is like hitching a comedy vehicle to a hot-air balloon that’s on fire. One minute, you are casually supporting a giant wall and some protectionism, the next you are in favour of removing children from immigrant parents and losing them.

Barr appeared contrite but not deterred: she was sorry for the jobs on her show that were lost. She saw, in the fullness of time, that calling someone the bastard offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and an ape might be construed as a little racist. But if you think you have hit the hard-stop of her hooligan offence-giving, you would be wrong: she also thinks George Soros is a “Nazi who turned in his fellow Jews to be murdered.” It’s a bizarre charge to make of a man who evaded the Nazis at the age of 13 and has fought fascism ever since, but when your weather cock is resolutely set to “anything a liberal might disagree with”, the side-effects can be unfortunate. Before you know it, you believe Hillary Clinton began a paedophile ring and used children on pizzas in place of pepperoni. Or something … it must be true, because CNN isn’t covering it.

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from The Guardian
